• Living Between the Lines,  Puptales

    Maggie’s first Big Adventure

    Hi, Maggie here on the keyboard for the very first time! I just had to tell you about my first big adventure. It began on the morning not long long after I had arrived. I thought I was safe from ever going outside that front door, unless carried. We had been to the place where they prod and poke you and then try to distract you while they prick you with something sharp. ‘She can go out in a week’, the Vet said. The Boss carried me back to the car and I was ushered back into the house. That, I thought, was that. Here I would stay with Charlie.…

  • Living Between the Lines,  Puptales

    The Arrival of Maggie

    Well, Charlie Brown here again…and there is so much to report! My life has changed. I am no longer the only dog in the house. ‘The Puppy’ has arrived. She appeared in our midst, a couple of weeks ago actually. They are calling her ‘Maggie’ and she is just a smaller version of old Flossie. It has taken me this long to get over the shock, I can tell you. At first she didn’t do very much, sort of hung around the patio or slept in her pen, emerging for food and cuddles and necessary trips to the garden before curling up and falling asleep again. I was pleasantly surprised.…