• Living Between the Lines

    “Click a Treat”

    This past week has been William’s. In case anyone has yet to hear – William is our new grandson. Understandably, I have been completely addicted to news of William, photos of William and most importantly, cuddles with William.  Even though our daughter, son-in-law and William live a good hour and a half’s drive away, I have managed to see him every other day so far. So, what will be different in the coming week? Well, I will still be addicted to all the above but the new parents will be hitting that longed for patch of normality now. That’s the time when things begin to fall into place and what…

  • Living Between the Lines

    There are days you will remember forever

    Sunday 17th October was one of them. What happens between the time you are bowled over by the birth of your first child and the time you are absolutely overwhelmed by your tiny grandson? There is something amazing about watching your youngest daughter holding her first baby. Somewhere along the line there has been a miracle. This week I met William for the first time. In fact William is meeting everyone and everything for the first time so his world is far more interesting at the moment than mine. I wonder what he thinks of us as we coo and fuss around him? My blog today should simply say, “William Harry…

  • Tidbits - the written word

    Let there be light

     I have been trawling through the files in my archives again and the story below rose to the fore and demanded to be read. Just a timely memory I thought I’d share. I promise not to include too many of these ‘down memory lane’ extracts but sometimes it’s good to look back and remember how it was. The couple in this tale are the same couple who appear in Nappy cakes, picnics and popcorn by the way. Let there be light When I think of the 1970s,  I remember the cheerful fashions, wonderful films like ‘The Great Gatsby’ and ‘The Sting’, good music and long hot summers with clear blue skies and of course, being a teenager. …

  • Puptales

    Goodbye to Moody Pants, *Welsh Woman and all!

    It’s official. The common is not big enough for me apparently. Now where the Boss got that idea from I do not know but ever since the second meeting with the Welsh Woman (she didn’t tell you about that did she?) and the run-in with the two Moody Ladies (nor that either?) not forgetting the fright of the Old Lady with the walking stick… she has been reluctant to re-visit that green and pleasant pasture. Let me elaborate. Some folk are very odd. I had hardly got onto the common and been let of my lead when I spotted a small springer spaniel running around ahead of me. Naturally, I…

  • Living Between the Lines

    “A HANDbag?”

    A handbag? I am calm now. I am much calmer now than I was yesterday and twice as calm as I was the day before but it has taken me a while to reach this state of calmness. Even as I write I can feel the rage begin to bubble up again. Whew! Well, maybe I should explain… A year ago, some ‘chancer’ stole my identity. She opened accounts at various stores miles from where I live or shop, in my name and using my address. She got away with hundreds of pounds worth of goods for which I was then invoiced. I of course disputed the charges and the…

  • Tidbits - the written word

    One Lovely Blog Award

    Awards must be just like London buses; you don’t see any for ages and then two come along at once. So it was with me this week. Not only was I told I was to be a BON on Monday, but I also received a ‘One Lovely Blog Award’ from Katie Gates. Thank you Katie! (I discovered an icon for this Award which I have pasted on the site. I thank whoever it was who produced it.) Do visit Katie at Katie Gates: Stories and Opinions . Katie is a very talented writer. Her personal essays are topical, thought provoking and often humorous and I can personally recommend her novel, ‘The…

  • Tidbits - the written word


    WOW! Today is my BON day! I am pleased and flattered to have been chosen as ‘Blogger of Note’ by Sandy and Pam over at Words of Wisdom today. This is indeed an honour. Thank you! I am also a little nervous since I have read many of the brilliant blogs that have been highlighted over the past few months and I know I am in esteemed company. WOW’s mission is to help bloggers of substance find each other. They do that by not only offering a place for like minded bloggers to gather, but also by highlighting great blogs each week. Visit them at Wisdom of Words to find…

  • Living Between the Lines

    What Goes Well with Wellingtons?

    It has come to this, I realised earlier this morning, as I stepped out of the shower wondering what to wear. I have come full circle. Thirty years ago when I got married and had children, I ditched the smart work style clothes and on most mornings I pulled on a pair of jeans and T shirt so that I could do all those things young mothers need to do in a day peopled by persons under three feet tall, without snagging my tights or getting baby sick on a silk blouse. In those days, my wardrobe was dominated by easy wear/easy wash labels. The odd special occasion dress remained but for…

  • Living Between the Lines

    Nappy cakes, picnics and pop-corn

    On Sunday we threw a surprise ‘Baby Shower’ for Laura. Laura is my youngest daughter and her husband did very well to keep this surprise a secret. It was her Sister-in-law who actually organised the entire thing so, thank you Anne-Marie! Your dedication and organisational skills were very much appreciated and your ‘nappy cake’ was brilliant.  (Who knew that a ‘nappy cake’ is not an iced cake made to look like a nappy? Not me!) ‘Baby Showers’ are a fairly new addition to the UK. They certainly weren’t around when I had any of my children although, thanks to some American neighbours over here from the USA in the ‘70s,…

  • Tidbits - the written word

    Calmer and Kama – How about that?

    No sooner had the ‘ink’ dried on the page as it were, than the phone rang. It was a call from a chap from an Energy Company. He was clear. I heard his first words. I listened and I replied and thanked him for his call. The operation was painless. Not a Swahili word anywhere. Did my words of yesterday really inspire this sudden about turn in my ability to hear? Is this another instance of ‘what goes around, comes around’? I am mildly superstitious and I believe in all sorts of things that you probably don’t want to hear about, including ghosts. Why? One day I’ll tell you. I…