Sausages, Santa and Royal Connections
We have had a variety of invitations over the Christmas and New Year period. There were the usual pre-Christmas parties to start of course, plus the annual get together of the Barker family in Essex and the birthday celebrations of eldest daughter, just a few days before Christmas—because it took the birth of two children in the month of December to happen before her parents realized things could and should be planned a little better. A workplace Secret Santa was postponed until the New Year, hence we managed to extend our festivities until twelfth night. Meantime, we had a wedding to go to, the New Year to see in and…
…and a stale cake for the pantry
The festive season has arrived and for once, I appear to be ahead of myself. I have presents bought and wrapped, well maybe not all wrapped but more than usual! I have scoured online shops and braved the madding crowds in town. My Christmas cards have been written and if I remember to buy the stamps, they will actually be posted early for a change. My mother is not a big fan of online shopping although we do go through a painstaking task each week of preparing her grocery list which I then order and have sent to her through Sainsbury’s website. Over the last year, we have had some…
Winning words
“I am a winner!” Yes, I went to 50,000 words and beyond in November. I surprised myself with my appreciation of this challenge. Hitherto I had heard about it from others but not felt the inclination to enter into its spirit. Now I feel I could do this every month, well, maybe every other month because I really do need some time to edit. I do not quite know the ending of this story – whose characters have taken me on twists and turns that I could never have imagined back on 1st November when I started writing it. I am sure it will reveal itself to me during the…
Do houses have souls?
My mother was speaking to my daughter, Zoe, the other evening. The conversation began like this, Mother: “I haven’t seen Lesley since she fell through the ceiling,” Needless to say, there were then hysterics on both ends of the line as the enormity and the humour of what she’d said, sank in. If you ever see a novel written by me beginning with those words, you will know to what it really relates. Yes, my eldest sister did actually fall right through the ceiling. Of course, one shouldn’t laugh, she is currently black and blue and in considerable pain but rather remarkably and thankfully, no bones were broken. I should…
A Little Magic
I am stealing some writing time to pen this post. We are on day thirteen of the NaNoWriMo task. So, how am I doing with my daily word count? I can tell you that I was very good for the first three or four days. I beat my target each day. Then I got the dreaded virus (the human kind, not the computer kind) and sitting at the keyboard was hard. Between coughing and wheezing, I managed to pen something each day but when I validated it (one validates one’s work as one pleases) the projected finish date was getting later and later. However, I was not going to let…
30 Days has November
Today is my birthday. I do not ask for birthday messages, I only mention it because it gives me a reason to be a little selfish for a while. Don’t we all need to be just that at times? Today, I have the house to myself and time to write. I am excited because I have just begun a new novel. I didn’t know I had begun it until I read back my notes from the other month and thought, “That’s it! That’s the one!” It was that “Eureka” moment that writers long for. Life since my middle sister died has been busy to say the least. If we are…
I have never been to a Vampire Ball
My foray into the alternative world of my nephew continues. I have been introduced to Steam punk (in particular steam punk goggles) and learnt why a house bleeds. I have witnessed the joy displayed when a new costume piece arrives or is promised and seen the melt-down that occurs when our actions are misunderstood or we fail to understand his. I am beginning to think that I should create a whole new category for posts about James. They represent a learning curve for me and my eyes are opened ever wider as I enter the world my late sister dealt with daily. It is a world where disability is not…
Flossie here!
Well, here I am, a little traumatised I might add, but here. Mind you, I very nearly wasn’t…and neither was the Boss come to that! A morning trip to the woods promised much. The sun was out but that autumnal bite to the air meant I would not be too hot. I have been amazingly well behaved on the lead of late so the Boss threw caution to the wind and allowed me to jump in the boot untethered. Old Keano curled up in the foot well behind the Boss’s seat. We drove into the car park (loosely called thus since it is not much more than a pot-holed track).…
Please don’t pester me…
Don’t you just hate those furniture salesmen who latch onto you the moment you step through the door? I do. At the weekend, we decide to shop for a sofa, a wardrobe and a small table – this last for our daughter’s new house. With these three objectives in mind, we drive to the nearest out-of-town furniture stores. There is a clutch of them not far from our village. Walking into the first store we are greeted by three, suited gentlemen, standing in a triangle, amongst the tastefully displayed suites. “Men in Black” springs immediately to mind (minus the sunglasses). The nearest chap to the door recognizes us and comes…