From a dog's point of view
Lost in the Woods
Tuesday 26th: Flossie here – by the skin of my teeth! I have had a traumatic day. The Boss seems to think she had the worst deal but what does she know? Was she the one bemused and lost in a sea of half familiar faces? Let me start at the beginning. The warm, sunny weather continues today and we jump in the car bright and early in readiness for our trip to the woods. The last few trips have been a pleasure. The Boss has taken to parking in a different place which is much closer to the burbling brooks and bluebells. She thinks it is aesthetically pleasing to…
5 ways to use an ‘Elizabethan Collar’ (if you are a dog)
Flossie here. I have been convalescing. (An operation of the female kind left me with some fetching stitches) For two weeks I have been sporting a rather ridiculous Cone on my head. The cone prevented me from licking the said stitches. This would have been a very bad thing apparently. I know this because every time I attempted it, the Boss intervened and the aptly named, Elizabethan Collar, was brought out. At first, I admit, this unusual headgear worried me. It did not seem to mean that I was about to go out for a walk – unlike the Halti which goes over my nose and can be annoying…
Purple is not my colour…
Flossie here. Oh my goodness – I thought we had cracked The Common. It would appear, from this morning’s experience that we have not. I don’t know exactly what went wrong. I just know that a series of events occurred which ended in disaster. For one thing, there was a small Skye Terrier who took a shine to me. As soon as we got on The Common, the little dog spotted me. I had to run over and say ‘hello’ of course. The little dog’s owner, clad in a purple coat, seemed very friendly and extended her hand to me. Her companion, wearing grey, ignored me. Perhaps the purple lady…
Goodbye to Moody Pants, *Welsh Woman and all!
It’s official. The common is not big enough for me apparently. Now where the Boss got that idea from I do not know but ever since the second meeting with the Welsh Woman (she didn’t tell you about that did she?) and the run-in with the two Moody Ladies (nor that either?) not forgetting the fright of the Old Lady with the walking stick… she has been reluctant to re-visit that green and pleasant pasture. Let me elaborate. Some folk are very odd. I had hardly got onto the common and been let of my lead when I spotted a small springer spaniel running around ahead of me. Naturally, I…
Flossie, THE JUICER and some ‘uncommon’ friends
The day started like so many other days as far as I was aware. The family began to emerge from those places where they spend their sleeping times, one by one. The Dave man arrived first. He made a fuss of me (always nice) and a fuss of Keano (essential or that chap may sulk for hours!) before going to the cupboard. I like it when the humans ‘go to the cupboard’. Any cupboard will do, if it is in the kitchen. The thing is, you can always guarantee to get a tasty morsel to eat when there is a cupboard involved. This morning, I crept close to the Dave…
Paddy Power
The above photographs are of a particularly fine looking Spanador (Labrador/Spaniel) called Paddy. Apparently, had things turned out differently, I may never have found my home here. What a sobering thought! This then is the story of Paddy… Some time before my existence was known about, by either the Boss or any of her fast expanding family, the Boss took in a young stray. This young stray, apparently found lost and alone, close to the Boss’s office, caused her colleagues to drool and coo over him. To cut a shaggy dog story short, he spent a couple of weeks at the Dog Warden’s Quarters, during which time he remained unclaimed. Hearing this,…
Flossie – Growing Pains
Goodness, I caught a glimpse of myself in a mirror the other day and who is this large, fluffy dog standing staring at me? Surely I cannot have grown this much? Parks, fields, woods and now the beach. I have been to them all. This rather fetching photograph of me was taken on a recent walk to a local beach and, though I say so myself, I do think it makes me look cute. The windswept look is so very ‘now’. I have also expanded my group of four legged friends since last we spoke. To date I have met a grand old lady called Daffodil, a border collie, who…
Works of Art, Tooth Fairies and Fluffy Ducks
The Boss has been talking about me all week. It seems I possess hidden talents. Well, if that is what the Boss thinks, who am I to argue? It started with a new game I have made up. The idea is to rush up the stairs to my favourite bedroom, belonging to the young human they call ‘Zoe’, and find something interesting. I manage this with ease most mornings though am always a little put out when Zoe spots me before I can make my getaway as she almost always removes my find and sends me packing. Assuming my mission has been successful and I have found something interesting, I…
Over the Fence and Far Away
“Flossie, sit,” the boss ordered calmly, gathering the lead close to her and straddling me with both legs. Sit? I was already slithering back towards the ditch, all sense of propriety gone.
“Oh, Flossie”
“I think it was a sock…” so says the Boss as she retrieves a soggy wet lump of grey material from the grass beneath the whirligig thing holding their clothes. Now, far be it from me to offer an opinion but seems to me, if these humans leave their socks lying around then they must expect to lose one or two. “Oh, Flossie – you rascal – naughty girl…” Now, wait a minute, that sock was won fair and square. Pegged loosely onto the line it dangled enticingly before my eyes. I kept watch on it for well over an hour in between sporadic attempts to reach it by…