A visit to the vet
Extract from Flossie’s Diary with comments from Charlie Brown included, April 2022:

Quite apart from whether or not it is time, there is another reason for us coming together to write this post and that is because, for once, it concerns us both.
Today, we were both hoodwinked by the Boss. Now, let me say that the Boss is normally trustworthy and reliable. Is that not so, Charlie Brown?
“Come on Floss,” she says.
Now, I am confused.
Well, there she is with my harness (I don’t often wear that except in the car when I have to be strapped in to avoid hurtling around the Boss’s ears) and here is my lead, clipped to my collar. How strange…
I allow myself to be led outside but we don’t head for the gate, we go to the metal box.
I am groaning even as we near it. These arthritic bones do not like clambering up onto the backseat any more than they liked jumping into the boot a couple of years back. It is hard to resist the encouraging noises the Boss makes though so I manage to climb in with a subtle leg up from the Boss. She closes the door. Hey, watch my tail!
Now where has she gone?
The windows are part open and we soak up the breeze, our hair blowing in the wind – OK, mine is, yours is barely ruffled, CB.
Uh oh, here we go, the nice vet lady calls us in and the Boss marches me into the surgery. There is some small talk between them while I stand there patiently. The Vet lady is a locum, whatever that might be, she looks at her screen.
“Oh,” she says, “It says here he must be muzzled…” Muzzled?! What?! Even the Boss seems a little surprised as the only time she has muzzled me for the Vet is during the time when she sent me in on my own while she waited outside (some virus or other was going around). These are new vets though, where are David and Gillian when you need them? Retired apparently.
“Is he likely to bite?” asks the Vet lady,
“What are you planning to do to him?” The Boss asks, quite reasonably, I think.
“Well”, says the vet, “I am going to give him his booster innoculations and, can I check his teeth and do a general feel around? I don’t want to risk getting bitten…”
“I don’t want you to get bitten and he doesn’t like his mouth being touched but I can hold his head…” offers the Boss with less conviction I know, than she feels.
Seeking to save the situation, I get onto the scales, it seems appropriate.
“ah,” says the vet as I give her my waggy tail happy look, “Perfect,”
The boss relaxes slightly and explains that since the restrictions of the past two years, she doesn’t know what I am like in the surgery and both decide it would be better to avoid lifting me onto the table or lifting me off again. Fine by me!
With my head in what is almost a stranglehold, by the Boss, I allow the Vet lady to feel my nether regions and do everything except look at my teeth. I even allow the needle to go in without a fuss. The good thing about all this, I am quickly realising, is the amount of treats I am given throughout. The Vet is very impressed with how gently I am taking them from her fingers and the thought of a muzzle has been banished.
I wait, expectantly, for more treats as the Vet looks at my claws which the Boss has said are rather long. The vet lady suggests I am taken round the back where the nice nurse will trim my claws. If the Boss is wary, she doesn’t show it. Is she trusting me at long last to behave out of sight?
I like the nurse who comes to collect me and with the thought of more treats to come, I follow her happily into the distant innards of the practice.
We don’t wait in the waiting room, shame because it is empty and I could stretch out on the floor here…we go straight into the surgery where a very nice lady vet greets me. No need for any preamble, my tummy is growling so I get right onto the scales and sit. Gillian always gives me a treat for this. The new lady vet looks surprised until the Boss interjects,
‘Oh, she expects a treat I’m afraid,’ she apologises. Why apologise? It has been the way since I was a pup…into the vet, onto the scales and here’s a treat. Simple!
‘I take the treat from her outstretch palm (The vet has warned her that I am apt to take a finger or two these days along with any morsel of food,) Yes, I know how gently you take things CB, my eyes are not so good and my mouth is somewhat disabled having had part of my jaw removed, have some sympathy!
“She is a little above the weight I’d like her to be, and I see what you mean, she is very stiff in her joints…I can give her some tablets which should help with that. Losing weight might help too…’
There are a couple more treats, small ones, as the vet lady prods and pokes me and finally sticks the bloomin’ needle in. Naturally, I don’t react but if she tries to put those drops up my nose, I am ready to bolt through the door. She doesn’t. Thankfully, the Boss remembers David saying that there was no need for them to subject me to this horror (This, ever since I dragged him and the Boss both, into a corner causing injuries all around.)
Home again and feeling rather tired…what an experience!
This extract reproduced by kind permission of Flossie and Charlie.
Thank you!